[Snack-Size Review] Fairy Tale, by Stephen King

Quick Bite: I kind of liked this story better the first two times he wrote it.

What It’s About: High school senior Charlie Reade helps an elderly neighbor after he breaks his leg. When the old man dies, he leaves Charlie his house, dog, and magical well that leads to a magical land which is (or course) facing an Unspeakable Evil.

A Word From The Nerd: Duckies, I’ve been a Constant Reader for roughly 40 years, and it saddens me greatly to say that Mr. King might be running out of ideas. This story borrowed heavily from The Talisman and The Dark Tower series. I guess there are really only so many ways to tell a “teenage boy goes on magical quest” tale, and it’s safe to say that Mr. King has used them all. A couple of times. I loved Radar the dog, though.

The Nerd’s Rating: Three Happy Neurons (and some Pecan Sandies.)

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