[Snack-Size Review] The Mysterious Case Of The Alperton Angels, by Janice Hallett

Quick Bite: I won’t get over this one any time soon.

What It’s About: Eighteen years ago, a cult leader convinced a teenage girl that her baby was the Antichrist and must be destroyed. In a ritual gone horribly wrong, three cult members committed suicide, and another was found murdered in a rundown apartment. The girl and baby vanished into the labyrinth of the foster care system, and the leader went to prison. Today, best-selling true crime author Amanda Bailey is trying to track down the baby (now an adult) for the book of a lifetime. There’s just a couple of teensy problems – people closest to the case keep dying and disappearing, and she’s being partnered with her archnemesis. Oh, and everyone is telling a different story.

A Word From The Nerd: I had a hard time getting into this one early one. It’s told via text messages, emails, transcripts of conversations, and so on, and new names/characters are dumped out way too fast for me to keep them straight. But then some pieces started coming together, and then falling apart, and fitting together in different ways, and then some more info came out and reconfigured it all a few times, and then OMG HOLY WOW THAT ENDING. I didn’t like Amanda, and I was fine with that – she was the entertaining kind of unlikeable. 

The Nerd’s Rating: Five Happy Neurons (and an angel wing necklace to wear ironically.)

Loved this book!!

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